Your ProPhoto website offers a variety of options for integrating Instagram functionality. There are tools to link to your site to your Instagram profile, or to display your latest Instagram images on your site.
Link to an Instagram account
The simplest way to integrate your Instagram profile on your website is to simply link to your profile from your website. There are several ways to do this in ProPhoto, but you'll basically just paste the address of your profile into one of these tools:
A link in a menu
You can use a Custom URL link item in your navigation menu.
A graphic/button anywhere in your layout:
You can place a Graphic module into any layout, and within one module you can place many images or tiles which can link anywhere you like, as in this example:
There are lots of great sources of icons online if you don't want to make them yourself.
Displaying an Instagram feed on your site
ProPhoto provides you with a free premium plugin ("Instagram Feed Pro Elite" by Smash Balloon) to display your Instagram feed anywhere you'd like to on your site. (This plugin should automatically be installed and activated for you within your website. If you do not see the plugin installed on your site, contact us directly and we will be happy to help!)
To use it you simply need to authorize access to your Instagram account, generate a feed, then embed the feed in your ProPhoto site design.
Authorize your Instagram account access
To display an Instagram feed on your site, you first need to provide access to your Instagram account within the plugin. Before completing the following steps to authorize, make sure that you are logged into your Instagram account in your web browser. Also, verify that your Instagram account is a Creator or Business account. (If you need to convert your personal Instagram account to a Business account, see the plugin's guide on how to do that.)
These are the steps you will then take to authorize your Instagram account with the plugin:
- Navigate to the plugin's settings area (Instagram Feed > Settings) and click "Add Source" in the Manage Sources section:
- After clicking the button, you'll be redirected to the plugin developer's site (Smash Balloon) and you will select which type of connection you want to make. Business Basic which connects via Instagram, or Business Advanced, which connects via Facebook:
- Next, click the button to connect the plugin with your Instagram account. (This is where it is helpful to already be logged in.)
You will then be directed to Instagram/Facebook, where you will click to authorize the plugin access.
- Once you completed, you will then see your account listed as a source in the Manage Sources area:
Be aware that you can add multiple accounts (sources) within the plugin, if you wish to display different Instagram account feeds on your site.
Create an Instagram feed
After you authorized your Instagram account within the plugin, the next option is to create a feed within the plugin under Instagram Feed > All Feeds:
Then select the feed type you wish to use and select the source you wish to use for the feed (which will be the account you authorized previously).
Next, you will begin customizing the feed itself. There are a ton of options within the plugin for creating and customizing a feed for your site, so we won't cover everything. But the steps for creating a nice basic grid feed for your site (similar to the old ProPhoto Instagram Grid) are as follows.
- When selecting the Instagram Feed type, select "Default:"
- Then choose "Simple Row" for the template type:
- Last, you can then customize this Simple Row template by selecting how many posts to show, padding between posts and disabling the default header and follow button (If desired).
Again, there are lots of options for customizing, so feel free to explore and play around if you want something different. Also be aware that you can create as many different feeds as you want, which can be helpful if you wish to display different feeds in different locations within your design.
Embedding the feed in your site
After you've created your Instagram feed, the last step is to embed it into your site where you would like it to display. To do this, you will want to click the Embed button in the feed customization area:
Or, click the Copy Shortcode button in the All Feeds area:
Then, paste that code into a ProPhoto Text Module where you would like it display within your layout(s).
When you view the site itself, you should see the feed displaying where you pasted the shortcode.
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