Each font style that exists in your ProPhoto design can be applied to text, and there are different bits of text all over your website design. Text might appear in places like:
- text modules in your layout
- all text appearing in the content from your posts/pages/galleries (see WordPress content module )
- menu links in a menu module
- text layers in a logo, button, etc. graphic that was created within a tile design
- title text, excerpt text, or "read more" links in a grid module
Font styles can be applied to the text in your site design in one of two ways - either as a default font style, or applied directly within a specific module. Learn more about each method below.
Default font styles
Most all ProPhoto designs include default font styles, which can be found in the Defaults tab in the Font Styles area.
These are global default styles for different types of text – paragraph, h1 through h6, menus, blockquotes and list items. Font defaults will inherit sensibly throughout your site. Managing these first can save a lot of time when changing up the look of your site's typography.
If you edit a default font style, you'll see those changes everywhere that style is inheriting. For example, "normal" text (HTML paragraphs) will receive the "body text" default font style.
If you edit the default style set for "body text" to something else, every text module still inheriting the default will get the change automatically.
Applying font styles directly in modules
As discussed above, every font selector in the Visual Builder will receive a default font style automatically. You can leave the default, or you can apply a different font style instead.
When you click to apply a new font style, you can use the dropdown to choose from any of your other pre-existing font styles.
You also have the option to copy an existing font style, or create a new one, which will then be applied.
When applying a different font style within a module, your change is applying only to that specific module. No other font styles within the site design are being changed.
See below for special notes about font styles and specific module types.
Text modules
When creating a text module, you have the option of applying different text types to the text in the module.
Be aware that these are not font styles. They are text type assignments for how the text appears in the source HTML (normal paragraph text, H1, etc). When you assign a text type, the text module will automatically apply the default font style for each text type (paragraph, heading 1, etc).
If the default style won't work, edit the module and select a different font style for the text type you are using as discussed above.
Tiles can appear in a graphics module - when you edit a tile in the Elements > Tiles area, the Tile editor provides a font selector for each text layer in the design.
WordPress content module (blog posts and pages)
When you create a blog post or page and add content via the WordPress editor, you have many different types of Text block options.
Depending on which type you choose, ProPhoto automatically applies the default font styles set for paragraph, heading 1, lists, etc. You can view these via the "Content Styles > Body Content" options area of the WordPress content module used in the layout applied to your WordPress post or page.
If you prefer to apply a different font style other than the default, you can click to apply a different style.
Just be aware that when you edit settings in a WordPress content module, the changes are applied to all posts/pages using the layout where that WordPress content module is located.
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